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Propeller Power

Included Materials
A42BEB11-D5BD-4819-B60F-8253B5AB44D7 (1)
A42BEB11-D5BD-4819-B60F-8253B5AB44D7 (1)
A42BEB11-D5BD-4819-B60F-8253B5AB44D7 (1)
A42BEB11-D5BD-4819-B60F-8253B5AB44D7 (1)
A42BEB11-D5BD-4819-B60F-8253B5AB44D7 (1)
1 Propeller
1 Masking Tape
2 Craft sticks
3 Rubber bands
2 paper clips
1 Helicopter body

Make your helicopter


Attach the propeller to a craft stick.


Bend the inside loop of the paper clip up and place the craft stick on top of the larger loop of wire. Use masking tape to attach the paper clip to the craft stick.


Tape the paper helicopter cut-out to the craft stick.


Attach two rubber bands from the metal loop on the propeller to the small wire loop of the paper clip.

A1059196-0266-4BC0-94AB-092D035A9E74 1.p

fly your helicopter

Make your helicopter


To fly your helicopter, hold the top of the propeller and bottom of the craft stick near the paper clip.

Make your helicopter


Twist the propeller until the rubber bands are entirely coiled. Then, keep twisting until you can’t twist anymore. Your rubber bands should be at least triple coiled!

Make your helicopter


Hold the helicopter vertically and release the helicopter in two short counts. On the first count, let go of the propeller. On the second count, let go of the paper clip. Your helicopter should fly!

Troubleshooting Tips

Make your helicopter

Paper clip not staying?

Use more masking tape and wrap the tape around the paperclip multiple times while pressing the tape firmly against the popsicle stick!

Make your helicopter

Helicopter not flying?

Coil your rubber band even more! Make sure you release the top of the helicopter FIRST and then the bottom about half a second later!

How it works

Make your helicopter


Energy is stored in the coiled rubber bands of the helicopter.

Make your helicopter


When flown, the rubber band rapidly releases its energy by unwinding, which turns both the propeller blade.

Make your helicopter


As the propeller spins rapidly, it begins to push air downward. The helicopter is then able to fly in whatever direction it is pointing.


Make your helicopter

Grab a friend and see whose helicopter can fly the longest or highest! The more you wind, the higher it will go.

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