Robo Hand
Included Materials
1 Hand OUtline
1 Green Half-inch Straw
10 Red Half-inch Straws
6 Strings
28 Stickers
5 Blue Two-inch Straws

Make your Robo Hand
Make a crease on each of the 10 horizontal black lines on the fingers of the paper hand outline.
The creases should make the fingers look like they are bending towards you in the shape of a claw.
Use stickers to tape the half-inch red straws on top of each of the 10 half-inch vertical red lines which are located on the fingers.
Use stickers to tape the two-inch blue straws on top of each of the 5 two-inch blue lines which are located on the palm.
Tape one half-inch green straw on the green line at the bottom of the palm of the hand using a sticker.
Thread one string through the straws along each finger starting at the tip of the finger going towards the palm. Each string should pass through 2 red straws and one blue straw. Leave a small piece of string sticking out the tip of each finger.
Thread one string on each of the 5 fingers. Now, you will have 5 strings hanging down towards the bottom of the palm
Use stickers to tape the pieces of string that you left sticking out from the tip of each finger down to the top of each finger tip.
Thread the 5 strings that are hanging down toward the bottom of the palm through the green straw at the bottom of the hand.
Gently pull on the strings. This will bend the fingers of your hand!

How it works
Make your helicopter
Human hands have four fingers and a thumb. Each finger and thumb has joints that allow them to bend. Because of this, human hands can do many things such as pick up objects, press buttons, and hold items. The fingers and thumb are controlled by muscles and tendons. The strings on the robo hand act like tendons which are attached to the straws (muscles), allowing your robo fingers to bend when the string is pulled.
Can you move only one finger of your robotic hand? How about only two fingers?